Practical Ways to Fulfill Your Purpose in Life

Everyone in this world has a purpose to fulfill. However, not everyone could actually fulfill their purpose which leads to a wasted life. Many people die with regrets and wish they could change time and do things differently. That’s why, while you are still alive, you have to find out your purpose and realize it […]

5 Things Every Women Should Know

Well, it’s going to be a long one, so let’s just get straight to the point. Here are 5 things every women should know in their life; 1. Other Women Are Not Your Competition Women who have not developed their emotional intelligence would often see other women as their competition. This is especially true when […]

Lessons We Learnt in 2022

Can you believe it’s almost 2023? Time is flying by so fast and we are about to close the year. Before we open the champagne and celebrate the new year. Here are a few lessons we learnt in 2022. 1. Quality Things Take Time One of the biggest lessons we learnt in 2022 is quality […]

Setting Boundaries for A Better Life

Setting boundaries is one of the most important skill you need to have, especially if you are a woman. Women have a tendency to be more agreeable. We are expected to be this nurturing and caring figure who loves taking care of other people. While these may seem like positive traits, it could backfire to […]

A Guide to Budgeting & Financial Security

Recently we have been hearing news of the recession and economic crisis all over the world. With the inflation happening globally, it’s best if we start taking care of our finances properly and create a budget plan for ourselves. This is a guide to budgeting & financial security that could be applied to everyone. Unless […]

How to Live a Softer Life

In this fast paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the work and actions all the time. While being productive is great, overworking could lead to burnout. Today we will give you some ways to live a softer life, especially when you are not working. First, what does it mean to live a […]

How to Get Out of A Rut

Some days you just don’t feel like your best self and want to feel better. This is perfectly normal. You don’t have to feel your best all the time but you definitely shouldn’t give up and remain in the rut forever. Today we will give some practical tips on how to get out of a […]

Why Men Treat Feminine Women Better

Have you ever wondered why men have a tendency to treat the feminine woman better than masculine women? Men may have some respect for the masculine women but it’s rarely every go beyond business or professionalism. While the feminine women always seem to be treated better in and out of business, including in a normal […]

How to Enhance Your Sensuality

A lot of women these days have strayed away from the path of sensuality into vulgar sexuality. This is dangerous because vulgar sexuality will draw low vibrational people, especially men with bad intentions into your life. It’s not something that you want. You want to be the embodiment of the divine feminine, a goddess of […]

Types of People You Should Have in Your Circle

Having the right kind of people in your network circle is highly important. You don’t want to just accept anybody because not everyone will bring value to your life. However, these kinds of people are the kinds who will help you elevate yourself and bring out the best version in you. These people aren’t necessarily […]