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Things You Should Do In Your 20’s

Your twenties are supposedly the most fun time of your life. You still have your youth and freedom to do whatever you want without much consequence. People are more understanding toward you if you make mistakes and fail. While some people will tell you to have as much fun and waste this time with useless activities, we are here to deliver some better options on how you can use your twenties to maximize your chance of success and happiness. Here are the things you should do in your 20’s to become better, faster.

1. Understand Yourself

The first thing you want to do in your 20’s is to understand yourself. You need to figure out who you are as a person. What your likes and dislikes are. Where you stand in life, what your core values as an individuals are.

Figure out your strength and weaknesses, your emotional state. Most importantly, you should know what your goals in life are and how you are going to achieve it. Your twenties is the perfect time to look inside and make notes of who you are.

Of course, you can change here and there with time but your core personality should have been formed at this stage. Once you understand yourself, everything else would be easier.

2. Travel and Explore the World

While you are still young, you should definitely explore the world and see what’s out there. Don’t wait until you start a family to travel because the more people you have in the household the more difficult or complicated traveling will be.

Traveling to another city and country is especially great because you are opening yourself up to an entirely different culture and way of living.

It broadens your horizon and mindset, allowing you to become more open minded and cultured. Traveling enrich your soul and each trip you take will definitely teach you a new valuable lesson.

3. Read Books

There isn’t an exact time limit to read books. However, your twenties is the best time to read because your mind is still fresh and at its prime to swallow new information. Read books on self-improvement, business, finance, psychology and anything you are interested in.

Also, it’s not exactly about how many books you read, it’s about the quality of each books. Make sure that you don’t just read the books but also understand them and apply the knowledge to better your life.

4. Explore Your Skills

Your twenties is the ideal time to explore your skills. Now, you might be gifted with something since you were much younger. If this skill is useful in your present reality and has enough demand on the market, you can sharpen it even more. If not, you can also explore and adopt other skills that would elevate your life even more. There are many important skills you should start developing from early on and your twenties is the perfect time to do that.

5. Do Something That Scares You

When you’re young, you should do something that scares you. Now, don’t do anything extreme, but do something challenging enough to make your heart skip a beat. For some, it can be doing physical activities such as bungee jumping or swimming near sharks. For others, it can be starting a business or moving to an entirely different country. If you are sure of your decision, do it. You only have one life to live. Might as well make the most out of it.

6. Network with The Successful

While the rest of your friends are hanging at a bar, drinking and clubbing, you better take a different route if you want to succeed faster in life. You should start networking with the successful.

Now, in this case, it can mean a lot of thing depending on who you want to be, If you want to become an entrepreneur, start hanging around other entrepreneur and investors who have made it before you do. If you want to be a successful artist, start networking with fellow artists and sponsors who could help you.

One thing to keep in mind is to avoid making the network experience transactional. Learn from them but have something back to deliver.

7. Learn Finances

Your twenties is the perfect time to learn about finances. Doesn’t matter who you are or what your occupation might be, we all need money to live. That’s why, you should be financially educated.

This way, you can avoid making financial mistakes that could potentially ruin your life. At the same time, being financially educated allows you to become wealthy at a much earlier pace. Understand how the monetary system works and make it work in your favor.

8. Start Investing

We cannot stress this enough, but you should really start investing now than later. Your twenties is the perfect time to start investing. This way, you can take advantage of compounding. We recommend you to start with common investments such as index fund because it’s the most stable fund in the market.

However, sometimes the best funds depend based on the countries you are living in. So figure out what investment gives you the best return in the long term and diversify from there.

9. Start a Business

Being young means you have less responsibility in your hand. It’s the perfect time to start a business because if you fail, you can start over again without much consequences. The older you get, the riskier starting a business will be.

Having families, children and other responsibilities mean you have less time to start something new and it might ruin your finances completely if it fails. More people will suffer as a result.

Being young allows you to fail and doesn’t suffer as much from it. You can always learn from your mistakes and start again without a lot of burden in your hands. While you are in your twenties, make the most out of it.

10. Buy a House or Apartment

Anyone who tell you to rent your home instead of buy is setting you up for failure especially if you know you are capable of getting a mortgage. The pandemic has taught us that regardless of how often we travel, we need a secure home to return to.

Even if you are planning to move later on, you can always rent out your house and make some income out of it. Buying a house is definitely a better choice in the long term, considering the value will continue to increase. The key is to get a property in the right place at the right time.

11. Date and Find a Partner

Your twenties is the perfect time to figure out what you like in a partner. Date around, but don’t sleep with them. Take this time to know the men and women in your life, who could potentially become your lifetime partner.

Don’t be fixated on appearance alone, but truly get to know that person, their characters, values, mindset, background, upbringing, likes, dislikes, etc.

Once you find that person, get married and build a family. Whether you want children or not, finding a partner and lover is essential and your twenties is the best time for it.

12. Start Your Health and Wellness Journey

For most people, their twenties will be the time when they are the most fit. It’s important to start paying attention to what you eat. Learn how to cook and make healthy meals. Start exercising. Do some meditation and take care of your mental health along the way. Take care of your skin. Drink lots of water.

This way, when you are older later, you are already used to a healthy lifestyle, making it easier for you to maintain your health and wellness when your body is no longer at its prime.


Those were some things you should do in your 20’s. Make sure you are making the most out of it and use this time wisely to improve your life.

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