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How to Get a Man to Provide for You

One of the question a lot of women ask when they start their hypergamous relationship is “how to get a man to provide for you?”

It’s actually not as difficult as most people think as it’s natural for the masculine to protect and provide for the feminine. Men has been providing for women since the beginning of civilization. The issue rose when the modern feminism arrives and ruin dating for women with the whole 50/50 agenda which benefits no one but low value dusty men.

Fortunately, a lot of women have started to realize this scam and reclaim their femininity and rights to be provided for in a relationship. For the ones who are just starting out, still seeking and need some guidance, we have some tips on how to get a man to provide for you.

1. Dress The Part

Let’s start with the shallow aspect but it’s incredibly important especially in the beginning. It is to dress the part. Men are visual creatures. Most provider men are drawn to feminine women who are well-dressed and takes good care of her appearance.

If you are dressed too sloppy or too much like a man or have poor hygiene, it is less likely that a man is willing to provide for you.

2. Lead by Example

The first thing you need to understand is you should never be desperate and use a man as a means of escape. You need to lead by example by providing and taking care of yourself first and foremost. Make sure you are able to pay your own bills, get your makeup, hair and nail done first. Have some time to relax by yourself, etc.

Of course, you don’t want to shove it in his face by acting like a strong independent woman who can do it all by herself. Take care of yourself with feminine grace.

So when a provider man comes into your life, he will see that you are taking an amazing care of yourself and he should do the same or even better if he wants to have you.

3. Communicate Your Standards

Communication is key in every relationship and it’s also true in a hypergamous relationship like the one we are aiming for. You should communicate with your man about your desires and expectations in every aspect, including financially. You can do this by the second point which is leading by example or you can tell him about it verbally.

Now, we do not recommend you to always ask for money or things directly, but you can give him some hints here and there to let him know what you want.

For example, you can show him a dress you want and ask him, “love, do you think this dress will look good on me?” it should be a good enough hint to show him you want the dress. Most men will pick up on these and get it for you later on.

4. Choose The Generous Man

Never think you can change a man. Your best shot on getting provided for is by choosing a man who is already a provider at heart. You cannot turn a stingy dusty into a provider man. You will only get frustrated if you try to turn a man into something he is not.

So always pick the man who is already generous before he met you so you don’t need to do extra work to be provided for.

5. Cultivate Your Feminine Charm

We cannot mention this enough but in order for you to get provided for by a masculine man, you need to be a feminine woman. Use your feminine charm and radiance to attract him and make him want to do anything to please you.

Be sweet and kind with a touch of dark sensuality and naughtiness. Be a good listener and don’t be afraid to ask him for help to boost his ego and make him feel needed.

When he is used to your feminine energy, it will be easier for him to be in his masculine whenever he is around you and a part of that is the desire to protect and provide for you.

6. Encourage Him

Men are like children in some senses. Whatever you encourage, they will do more of it. If since the beginning of the relationship you are already doing the 50/50, it is less likely for them to want to provide for you later on.

However, if since the beginning you have encouraged them to provide for you, they will do it more throughout the relationship. You don’t want to seem demanding or entitled in the process, instead, use words of praise and gestures to encourage him.

Whenever he does a favor for you, thank him with a smile and say “I love this!” or “I appreciate it.”  And give him some ego booster compliments like “you are the best!” or “You’re a wonderful man.”

See the magic, it works.

7. Let Him See the Value

Now, this is important. You want to make sure a man sees the value in providing for you, especially in the beginning of the relationship. You don’t want to seem like you are trying to use him solely for his money. Instead, you want him to feel like he is making the decision to provide for you because he sees a value in it.

For example, if you’re working a job you hate and you want your man to provide for you completely so you don’t have to stay in your job, you can tell him something like this

“You know, I haven’t been able to spend a lot of time with you recently because I’ve been working a lot. My boss has been giving me more workload. I wish I can relax at home and spend more time with you.” Do this with a sad, puppy face.

If your man is a naturally provider man, he will offer to lift your burden and provide for you completely because he sees the value in doing this, which is having you to spend more time with him. Of course, you want to take this opportunity to also surprise him with a homemade meal once in a while to show your gratitude.


Those were some ways you can get a man to provide for you. The man who is serious about you will naturally want to provide for you, so don’t overthink it too much and enjoy yourself. Remember ladies, you are the prize so never settle for a man who asks you to do 50/50 or try to guilt trip you for wanting the best for yourself. Stay feminine, ladies!

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