Elegant Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle

Worst Fashion Trends That Make You Look Tacky

We personally have never been a huge fan of fashion trends since we find them quite short lived and wasteful in the long term, however we have to admit that not all trends are created equal. Some trends are better than others. Some of them however are so bad you would want to avoid them altogether not just because they don’t look elegant but also because they will cheapen any outfit you are wearing. Here are some of the worst fashion trends that make you look tacky.

Disclaimer, if you like any of these and think “well, I don’t care.” That’s fine, but it’s still good to be aware.

1. Ripped Jeans

We still do not understand why ripped jeans is even a hype. There is nothing classy or fashionable about it. Even if you are not trying to become a more elegant woman, you should still avoid ripped jeans. The idea that ripped jeans are sold at an equal price to other types of jeans are still mind boggling to us. It does not even look good and it makes whoever wears it appear more cheap. If you are a ripped jeans lover, you may want to reconsider your preference, because there are so many better alternatives for it out there.

2. Transparent Shoes

Transparent shoes, another trend we do not understand. Just knowing how they would feel on the feet when you are wearing them is already a huge turn off, and why would you want other people to see your entire feet when you are wearing shoes?  They are not flattering on the feet and no matter how luxurious your transparent shoes is, it would still look cheap at the end of the day. There are many beautiful shoes out there on the market, so this is one of the worst fashion trends is something you can definitely skip without issue.

3. “The Stripper Heels”

What exactly is a stripper heel? It is the heel that has a bulky and wide point at the end and it receives the name from being worn mostly by strippers or escort because they look more toward sexy than elegant. And no, we did not just make up the name. You can google them yourselves. They are shoes that you should avoid if you don’t want to give people the wrong impression of yourself. Beside they can be quite uncomfortable. Skip them and save yourself some trouble, ladies.

4. Tight / Mini Bandage & Body con Dresses

Not all bandage dresses are created equal, some of them could look elegant, while other would make you look distasteful, we suggest avoiding the tight, mini bandage dresses and bodycon dresses which you would often find on Instagram. They do not look elegant and most of the time, they reveal too much skin than necessary. Train your eyes to recognize the bandage dresses that are elegant and not. It may take some time, but you’ll eventually get the grasp of it. Bodycon dresses is especially terrible for plus size women and there are different ways you can dress elegantly as a plus size woman.

5. Logo Everything

Some people think the more branded logo they wear, the more fashionable they are. This is especially true among the younger generations. However, wearing too much logo at once is going to make you look obnoxious instead of sophisticated and elegant. You want to limit the amount of logo you wear in an outfit to one or two maximum and keep the rest neutral, since you want people to see you and not the logo of your outfit.

6. Glitters Everywhere

We understand why some people may have the obsession with glitters, they are sparkly and beautiful, after all. Still, too much glitter would ruin your outfit. It cheapens the look and make you appear as if you tried too hard to be noticed. If you want to incorporate glitter to your outfit. Make sure that it only gives the slightest sheen and sparkle. You don’t want to drown yourself in glitters and have people paying attention to the glitters instead of you, do you?

7. Large Jewelries

Yes, sometimes in life you do want to make a statement, and wearing a statement piece could look good on you. But when you have too many large jewelries on you, they tend to bulk up and makes your appearance unflattering. This cover everything from that large stone ring to a boho style necklace that has too many large stones in it. It’s going to look pretty old school as well in a bad way. Instead, opt for dainty jewelries which will flatter your look without adding to much weigh on the appearance. If you do want to wear large jewelries, make sure you only use one or two statement pieces and keep the rest minimal.

8. Outer Underwear

Underwear is called underwear for a reason. You are supposed to put them inside and not show them off for the world to see. Though this trend is the least popular among others we have mentioned, we still find it occasionally and we never understood how someone could even wear things like that. Stay away from anything like this, even if you commit the other trends, this is something you have to absolutely avoid.

Those were some of the worst fashion trends we believe are not suitable for classy and elegant ladies. Of course there are more of these in the market but we will stop here for now. Avoiding them is the easiest way to elevate your appearance without spending a dime.

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