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Why Men Treat Feminine Women Better

Have you ever wondered why men have a tendency to treat the feminine woman better than masculine women? Men may have some respect for the masculine women but it’s rarely every go beyond business or professionalism. While the feminine women always seem to be treated better in and out of business, including in a normal everyday life and dating.

Well, we will tell you the reason why men treat feminine women better than the masculinas or the so called “cool girls”

1. They Make Men Feel Like Hero

The first reason why men treat feminine women better is because they make them feel like hero. Men have this innate desire to be the provider and protector in the relationship. They want to be relied on, to be seen as capable and competent. It’s part of their ego. Feminine women know this and they appeal to this aspect in men.

Feminine women allow men to help them out and feel needed. On the other hand, masculinas and the so called strong independent woman sees asking help as a sign of weakness.

Often time, they try to compete with men to see who’s more capable and competent. This is a huge turn off to men. Men see masculine women as one of their own, so naturally, they feel less inclined to help.

2. They Bring Peace and Excitement at The Same Time

Men don’t like women who bring chaos and gives them headache all the time. Feminine women tend to be soft and move as a peace maker, which men crave.

On the other side, men also don’t want women who’s too docile and predictable. love the chase and sometimes find it thrilling to work to get a woman’s attention and affection.

Feminine women with healthy balance of light and dark femininity know this too well. They will bring peace, joy and light into a man’s life.

At the same time, they are not boring and able to bring excitement into a man’s life. That’s why men love them and treat them well, because they crave her light and peace as well as the danger.

3. They Know Their Boundaries

Feminine women are women with standards. They know their boundaries and will not tolerate any form of disrespect from men. Men can easily tell these women apart from the rest. Just by the way she dresses and carries herself.

A woman with boundary will walk away when a man tries to disrespect her and it will make him feels guilty or rejected. That’s why they rather not try to mess around with her and any interaction between them will be civil. Meanwhile, masculinas and women who lack boundaries are easy prey to men with ill intention.

Good men with healthy level of masculine energy don’t even want to have anything to do with the masculinas, which is why they are left with the bad men and get treated with disrespect.

Not saying it’s good or how it should be, but it’s the reality and if you want to be treated better, have some respect and boundaries for yourself.

4. They are Visually Appealing

The next reason why men treat feminine women better is simply because they are visually appealing.

Men are highly visual creature. Feminine women usually put more effort and care to their appearance and the way they are dressed. As shallow as it sounds, most men prefer to help and interact with the pretty woman.

It’s another reason why it’s incredibly important to take care of your appearance because no matter what, you will always be judged by it. Might as well bring it to our advantage.

5. They Have High Feminine Energy

Last but not least, feminine women have high feminine energy. This naturally draws masculine men as opposite attract in the case. Masculine men will always desire feminine women. We already know femininity is a potent tool when it comes to attracting men. The higher your feminine energy, the more attractive you are to a masculine man. Don’t forget to pay attention to your dark femininity as well along the way.

Those were some reasons why men treat feminine women better. Some may find it unfair, but it is what is. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. If you want men, especially masculine men to treat you better. Learn how to increase your feminine energy from now.


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