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Why Do Successful Men Desire Feminine Women

Most men in general prefer feminine women for several reasons. However, an affluent and successful men are especially seeking for mostly feminine women than any other type of women out there. But why? Why do successful men desire feminine women?

There is a reason why you often see a successful looking man in suit having an attractive, feminine looking woman by his side. Though some people like to have negative stereotypes about the reasons behind such common occurrence, it’s not always the case. We would like to explain the real reasons why this happens and it’s not as dark as you think it is.

1. Opposite Attract

We know opposite tend to attract and in this case it’s true. An affluent, successful and masculine men tend to seek feminine women who are an opposite of him. We have spoken with a lot of successful men in these past years and it was interesting to see their response to this statement.

One of them told us “I want my woman to be feminine, because dating a masculine woman is like dating a man, and I’m not into that.”

As you could see, a lot of successful masculine men does not want to date someone who is as masculine or more masculine than he is. It does not mean the woman has to be shy, weak or submissive. She just has to be feminine, delightful, pleasant to be around with and completes him in a way he could not.

2. The Desire to Provide

A lot of affluent and successful masculine men actually feel the need to provide for his woman. In Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich”, he spoke a bit about the uselessness about wealth without woman. Where a man is naturally programmed to provide. Everything he has achieved in life would not be complete if he has no one to share it with.

A lot of masculine women with the “strong independent women” mentality who “needs no man” would not allow a successful masculine man to provide for her. It could mean she does not personally recognize his masculinity and ability to provide for her. This makes him feel a sense of emasculation. The worst thing a man could feel is feeling emasculated.

It is one of the reason why successful masculine men tend to seek feminine women because they would allow him to provide for her and share his wealth.

Women who settles for a 50/50 relationship will only attract dusty men. Why? Because a high caliber man would rather be with a woman who makes him feel like a man. We have made an entire post on why 50/50 relationship doesn’t work you can check out later.

3. Social Achievement

A high value feminine woman is every successful masculine man’s prize. Do not take this phrase the wrong way. It does not mean a woman is an object or anything of the sort. What it means is a man is programmed to be the hunter in the relationship. They are meant to chase women, not the other way around.

Men tend to compete with each other in the dating world in a different way women do.

Men know that a high value feminine women are desired by many men as they are becoming more and more scarce in the modern society. Therefore, when they are able to win the heart of a high value feminine woman, he would feel more accomplished since “he wins the greatest prize”.

4. Power Balance

Every king needs his queen. A king does not need another king in the room.

It means that a high value feminine woman knows that she is a queen, and not a king. She does not try to compete with her man and try to take over his duties.

A feminine woman does not ask questions like “who is going to pay the bill this month?”

She knows that is the king’s job and not hers.

The queen has her own share of duties, while the kings have his own things to do and sometimes they rule together in certain matters.

A successful masculine man is like a king and a high value feminine woman is like a queen, there is a power balance between the two of them, which make them so compatible together. Ladies, I am sure you understand.

5. Social Dignity

This is similar but slightly different to the social achievement factor. Unlike the hunter reasons.

A successful masculine man chooses a high value feminine woman because he knows she would make a better social companion for him as she is most likely aware of how to behave properly in certain scenarios and it reduces the risk of any social problems.

She would also make a better social partner to him as she has a firm grounding of her own value, and does not need any outer approval from the vast majority of people, making it easier for him to communicate with her.

As an example, a high value feminine woman would not purposely get drunk and throw up in public just to look “cool”, she would not stir up drama or expose her whole body for the world to see for the sake of attention.

It would save him a lot of trouble and social embarrassment, which is why a lot of affluent and successful man tend to choose high value feminine women.

6. Different Priorities

Men and women have different priorities when it comes to dating and relationship.

A successful man doesn’t need a provider woman. He already has his life together. What he needs now is a woman who could fulfill his desire. A man prioritize looks, personality and charm in a woman.

Most men, including affluent men don’t care about how intelligent a woman is. As long as she looks beautiful, charming and pleasant to be around with, it’s good enough. Of course, having wit and intelligence would never hurt a woman, it’s a strength. It’s just not a priority for most men when it comes to looking for women.

Meanwhile, feminine women tend to seek for security and stability. We care more about a man’s finance, personality and ambition over his appearance.

As long as he provides for us and protect us and has decent personality, it’s good enough.

We don’t need a man to be super handsome, as long he is tolerable and well-groomed.


While we believe there are other reasons why most successful and affluent men desire a feminine woman, those were some of the most common reasons we could think of. As a woman, being feminine and charming is definitely one of the easiest way to attract a high caliber man. There are more ways to do this but we will discuss that in a different post. In the meantime, stay lovable.


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