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Traits of a High Quality Man in Relationship

The terms high value man is a bit overrated lately so we switch it up to high-quality man instead. Being with a quality man is a must for a lady who wishes to be in a stable healthy relationship with a male partner. There are some qualities that distinguishes the average man from a high quality man. Here are some traits of a high quality man in a relationship you should look for.

1. He’s Committed to You and The Relationship

The first trait of a high quality man in a relationship is his high level of commitment both to you and the relationship. He will put in the effort to make the relationship work and won’t call it quit at the slightest trial or turbulence in the relationship.

An example, a man might be busy with his career. If he’s committed to you and the relationship, he will always make some time to call or text you and ask you out on a date to meet him. If you’re living together or married, he will show his commitment through additional act of service just to make you happy.

You will never have to wonder if he’s serious about you. You feel secure in the relationship because he always proves his affection and commitment to you time and time again.

2. He Shows His Love in Actions

Sweet talkers are everywhere. However, a high quality man will show his love to you in action. He won’t just promise you the world, he will actually give it to you.

As women, we shouldn’t simply believe in a man’s words. A smart woman enjoys his words, but trust his actions. If he never gives you gifts, never provides for you, always absent or make excuses, he’s not a high quality man.

3. He’s a Great Communicator

A man who’s a great communicator will make the relationship much easier. You never have to wonder what he’s thinking or feeling about you and the relationship because he’ll always talk it out with you.

He’s not afraid to express his thoughts and feelings and listen to yours as well. He also has a problem solving mindset, doesn’t blame you or himself if something goes wrong.

Instead, he’ll find a common ground to fix the problem. You won’t have to beg him to talk because he will communicate everything with you.

4. He Does NOT Play Games

In this modern dating age, playing games is seen as cool and exciting. The truth is, it’s a recipe of disaster. A high quality man does not play games when it comes down to relationship. He’s honest to you and will tell you what he wants and expects and you should do the same as well. There won’t be a third party in the dynamic, a hidden affair, mind games and secrets lurking in the dark. You will never have to question if he’s really into you or not. If he wants you, he’ll show you.

5. He Takes His Career Seriously

A high quality man is a man who takes his career seriously. You won’t see him lurking in the couch all day doing nothing. He’s always trying to find ways to grow and expand himself in term of career and finance. He might be a high achiever and has his own set of ambitions. You will often find him working overtime or work on a side hustle to bring more income so he could provide a better quality life for himself and for you, his partner.

6. He’s Generous and Providing

The next traits of a high quality man in a relationship is generosity. He will desire to provide for you and make sure you all of your basic needs and desires are fulfilled. He will do what he can to make you happy. In a serious and marital relationship, a high quality man will take care of all the financial responsibilities within the household and make sure that his partner / wife and children’s physical and material needs are fulfilled.

7. He’s Emotionally Intelligent

Emotional intelligence is the golden standard to create a healthy relationship. A high quality man will train himself to be emotionally intelligent. He might not be perfect at everything and has his own emotional flaws but he would never do something that makes you feel triggered on purpose. He will always look for a way to connect with you on an emotional level and understand your emotional needs without sacrificing his own emotions.

8. He Knows How to Respect Boundaries

As women we need to set our boundaries and make sure that other people in our life respect it as well. A high quality man will respect your boundaries. He won’t do something you clearly dislike. Besides that, he also has his own set of boundaries and will clearly tell you what they are and inform you if you’re on the brink of crossing his boundary.

9. He Has His Own Life

A high quality man is not clingy or needy. He will have his own set of life and activities outside of the relationship. Some women might see this as undesirable but remember, it’s important to have personal spaces in a relationship. He also has his life together and shares it with you.

10. He’s Chivalrous and Reliable

Chivalry is a fundamental base for a high quality man. He will not disrespect women including the ones he cannot stand. He will simply retreat from uncomfortable social situations to avoid harming anyone. He’s a true gentleman and if you’re his partner, he will treat you like a princess and a queen. You will find yourself safe with him and you know you can always rely on him. He’s responsible and reliable. You will often see him opening the door for strangers and pulling the seat for his lady in a restaurant. Most importantly, he will make you feel loved and respected in a relationship.

11. He’s Open About Himself and His Background

A high quality man is open about himself and his background. He won’t hide his identity or give shady excuses when you ask him about his past especially if you’re in a serious relationship. He will show you all the important documents needed to prove his legitimacy. This is something a lot of women don’t really think about when thinking of a high quality man but it’s one of the most important especially if you’re about to get married with this man.


Those were some traits of a high quality man in a relationship. A true high quality man should possess at least ten of eleven traits above since they are required to establish a healthy, loving, stable relationship. Remember, there are plenty of high quality men on the dating market. Never settle for less than you deserve, ladies.

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