Elegant Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle

Things That Change Once You Level Up

We are all about leveling up and becoming the best version of yourself. If you have been through a similar journey or thinking of starting one, you will know or see that there are a lot of things that change once you level up and most are for the better.

Now, what do we mean exactly by leveling up? In this case, we separate it into five categories, your appearance, mindset, spirituality, finance and relationship. All five are important aspects of life and they are working in conjunction with each other. It’s not enough to level up only on the surface (appearance) but you also need to level up your mindset and spirit as well.

You can check other posts we have made to learn how to level up in those aspects. Now, we will talk about the consequences of your level up journey.

1. You Will Feel More Confident

The first thing you will immediately notice is how much more confident you feel. When you start dressing better and treat yourself better. Your level of confidence will skyrocket.

You no longer feel shy or ashamed to engage with people who might be “out of your league” in the past. You also learn to take compliments better and no longer avoid pleasant feelings in fear of judgement.

Now, if you find yourself lacking some confidence, don’t worry. We have compiled a list of practical ways to boost your confidence to help you in your level up journey.

2. You Attract Better Quality Men

If you are still in the dating market, you should feel a huge difference here. They say a flower attracts both the fly and the bees. However, after you level up, you will start to see your own value. You no longer tolerate poor quality men.

Instead, you will start attracting better quality men. Provider and protector men who are mature and responsible. The kind of men who are seeking serious committed relationship and marriage. In this case, you are becoming the decision maker. You don’t chase or beg a man to stay, because you know, even if one leaves, another will come.

3. You Catch Positive Attention

In the past, you might be the girl nobody notices or you might have made the mistake of dressing scandalously and attracted the wrong crowd.

Once you level up, you will start to notice positive attention coming your way. The mix of dressing well and confidence will naturally capture people’s attention on you.

4. You Will Lose People

This might sound sad at first, but actually, it’s one of the greatest blessing in disguise.

You will lose people, yes, but it’s the wrong kind of people. You will lose the people you are not meant to have in this current chapter of your life.

As you become better, the people from your past might look at you and compare themselves to you, then realize that you are now out of their league. Their energies no longer match yours and they will naturally eliminate themselves from your life.

Some can get more nasty and try to drag you down or guilt trip you on your level up journey. They’ll say how you’ve changed in condescending manner.

Don’t listen to them. If they are not supportive of you for trying to better yourself and your life. They aren’t your people.

5. You Care Less About Others’ Opinions

You will find out that you no longer cares about what most people think of you. This is especially true for those who are not close or dear to you. You may still care about what your family or spouse think, but you definitely don’t care about what strangers think of you.

Once you level up and become more confident, you will realize that the only validation you need is from yourself. The rest can either watch you grow or leave.

6. You Attract Like Minded Women

One of the greatest part of leveling up your life is the fact that you will attract better quality network. It includes the like-minded women who are equally obsessed with becoming the best version of themselves. You will find yourself in a more elegant, affluent crowd and feel at home.

The level of conversation you have will differ too. You no longer care about petty gossips about others. Instead, you will care more about personal growth, finance, healthy relationship, etc.

7. You Get More Opportunities

With your increased level of confidence, the right set of network you attract and your mindset, you will find more opportunities heading your way.

There is this interesting phenomenon called “the matthew effect”. You will earn more of what you already have.

Since you are already doing the work by leveling up the five aspects of your life, you will see an abundance of opportunities running to you. Some you might never even thought of in the past.

These opportunities could be related to your career, relationship or even miscellaneous events that would bring in more set of network in your life.

8. You Notice the Details

This might not happen to everyone but this happened to us. After you learn so much in your level up journey, you see the world in a new lens. The small things and details which might be ignored by your past self might matter more now.

As an example, you might not care about how your nails were done in the past and could walk around with chipped nails. Now, God forbid you do that. You’ll make sure your nails are done each time you leave the house. Same with others.

You might not notice what everyone else was wearing before but now as you level up, you begin to differentiate between what’s tacky and classy. You also begin to appreciate others who have made the effort like yourself and share compliments more often. It’s a strange, but somewhat satisfying change.

9. You Experience Finer Things

Naturally, as you level up, you begin to experience finer things. From the change of the clothes you are wearing to the places you visit down to the details of your home and the things you love to do. You no longer want to experience anything that doesn’t match your current energy and you naturally expect the best out of everything.

Of course, it doesn’t mean you end up as a snob who doesn’t want to stay in a three-star hotel. It’s simply about the shift of taste you have. Your plate become more refined and along with the new opportunities you have, your experience becomes better as well.

10. People Treat You Better

People are naturally programmed to be bias. Despite everything, we have to admit that better looking, better dressed and better behaved people are treated better.

After you level up, you will find that people start treating you better and with greater consideration. Example, if you walk into a luxury store or a fine dining restaurant, you might be given more attention and better service compared to your past self because now you have presented yourself in a way that appeal to them.

Based on your perspective, this can seem quite shallow or advantageous. Regardless, it’s the truth.


There are definitely a lot of advantages of leveling up. We suggest you take it one step at a time and then slowly pay close attention to the changes that happened in your life. Don’t be afraid of these changes. Instead, embrace them. They are what’s going to give you everything you want in life.

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