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The High Value Feminine Friendship

Humans are social creatures but we all can agree that women are more complex when it comes to socializing. Feminine friendship is a complicated matter. What we all can agree on is the fact that feminine friendship is so important and it’s necessary for us women to have a solid circle of female friends.

If you are reading this right now, chances are you want to understand feminine friendship better. However, you need reasons why you should even care about it. Well, we’re going to give you exactly that. Here are some reasons why high value feminine friendship is so important and you should surround yourself with more high value feminine women.

1. They Understand You

We are living in the era where feminism is the hot thing. Women are encouraged to take on a more masculine role. Being in a 50/50 relationship, acting more like a boss babe and dressing in an androgynous way. You just hear people degrading naturally feminine traits and labeling them as weak. Feminism has made women miserable in so many ways and it includes female friendship.

Now, many of you here may have had the desire to become more feminine and work on yourself. You may want to increase your feminine energy, dress more elegantly and just embrace being a woman. Some of you may even want to get married, become a housewife and just play a more traditional role. If you are in a career, you may want to bring more femininity into your career life as well. However, you’re scared of what people may think, especially if you’re living in a west and a predominantly feminist environment.

Having feminine friends and community will help you feel better and understood about your mindset and lifestyle preference. They understand you and your desires and make you feel welcome. It helps you to feel like you’re not alone and be more proud of your choices.

2. You Need Emotional Support

Now, sometimes, we just want to vent about our problems for the sake of it. What we need is emotional support.

However, if you are thinking of venting your problems to a man, you’ll get a solution, but they couldn’t give you the emotional support you need. Men and women are wired differently.

You may get frustrated if you expect your boyfriend or husband to react to your emotions in the same way as your female friends.

This is where feminine friendship come to play. Nobody understand women better than another woman. You need to have at least one friend you can rely on for emotional support in case you need one.

3. They Open Up New Opportunities

We’ve heard so many stories of women meeting their future high caliber spouse through their female friends. This is not uncommon.

Being in a high value feminine friendship could seriously lead you to some amazing opportunities. Meeting your spouse is one thing but it’s also applicable to other parts of life. Your high value female friend might open up the path for a new career or business opportunities. Or, they could introduce you to people and services who would make your life easier.

Parties, meetings and vacation hosted or invited by one of your female friends could seriously change your life. You never know what kind of connections and experiences you could get from your feminine friendship. It’s magnificent.

4. No Competition or Envy

It’s never a good idea to befriend someone who’s too different from you in terms of lifestyle and mindset. They might envy your lifestyle and hate your choices. Some might even resort to passive aggressive tactics to bring you down.

However, when you surround yourself with equally amazing high value women who have done the work, there are very little room for envy or competition. Everyone is doing their own thing and naturally try to support each other. It’s extremely freeing when you know your friend is not a frenemy and they only have good intentions for you.

5. They Influence You to Be Better

Being surrounded by a high value circle of women can influence you to become even better.

We are the average of five people we spend the most time with, remember?

That’s why it’s important to keep our circle curated. When you are surrounded by women who are passionate about life, who have genuinely good heart and clever mind to navigate the world, you’ll be influenced by them.

Having positive impacts in your life never hurt anybody but it’s even better when it’s coming from our fellow women.

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