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Realistic Dating Advice for Young Women

As young women, sometimes dating could be quite challenging. Since young women are more desirable in men’s eyes, they tend to lack the proper skills and abilities to succeed in the dating world. Sometimes it might lead to them being taken advantage of by men. To avoid that, we want to provide you with some realistic dating advice for young women.

These advice are given on a realistic approach, so you might find them a bit different from what your friends would give you, but we promise you, they would be useful in your dating life.

1. Focus on Building Network and Improving Yourself

The first realistic dating advice for young women we have might not sound related to dating at all, however we believe the late teenage and early twenties are the best time for you to build strong network and improving yourself as an individual.

Don’t invest too much time, energy, and attention in your college friends or boys around you. Instead, learn from the successful adults and try to build connections with them. They would help you in many ways later on in life.

Learn how to take care of yourself and your appearance, be educated, learn as many skills and things as you can and work on your personality. This way you’ll have a strong grounded value for yourself, and it would help you avoid a lot of problems in dating such as self-esteem issues.

Also, when you are improving yourself, men who don’t deserve you will walk away from your life, quality men will naturally gravitate toward you, allowing you better chances with high value men.

2. Don’t Settle for Less (50/50)

The problem with our modern dating system is the fact that a lot of young women are told to compromise and settle for less just for the sake of dating.

We have seen many of our younger friends and colleagues dating good for nothing f*ckboys and cool kids.

Ladies, don’t waste your youth away with these kind of men. That school or campus bad boys may look cool now, but these boys are usually the ones who don’t grow up and you are just wasting your time with them.

Don’t  date men who tell you to split 50/50 with them. We have created a dedicated post on why 50/50 relationships don’t work, which we suggest you to read after this. As a young woman, you have a large pool of dating options.

After doing point number 1, you should have a lot of high value provider men who want to date you.

We are not suggesting you to be a sugar baby, of course not, but seek for a man who has enough maturity and respect, someone with manner who will treat you like a gentleman.

You deserve the best ladies, don’t settle for less.

3. Don’t Give Yourself Easily to Him

The mistake a lot of young women are making is giving themselves easily to a man. In a hookup culture, women are taken advantage of by irresponsible men who don’t actually deserve you.

Don’t lower your value by giving it to him on the first or second date. You want to make sure you are already in a stable loving relationship with someone before giving it to him.

Men are hunters, if you give it to him too soon, he might start looking down on you. There is a whole other science and reasons behind this which we might discuss in a future post.

Let him chase you for a while, that way, he will treasure you better in the end.

4. Don’t Invest Love and Emotion in The Beginning

This is a mistake women make in general, but young women are more prone to it.

You should not invest too much love and emotion for a man in the beginning of a relationship, because you still don’t know that man that well. You may think you know him, but who knows, he might just be putting on a façade.

Men will only date a woman they think they would be able to have sex with in the future. In order to create a real love between you two, it would take time so he knows he could not just take you for your body.

Also not investing too much love and emotion in the beginning will prevent you from a heartbreak in the future if the relationship does not end well.

If a man is not serious about you and only wants you from your body. He’ll definitely leave sooner than expected. Be careful with your own feelings ladies, in the beginning, you have to use your brain, not your heart.

5. Don’t Expect Too Much Too Soon

Sometimes when you are still young, it is easy to think that the man (or boy) you are dating right now will be the person you end up with for the rest of your life.

While for some people that can be the case, the vast majority end up marrying men they meet later on in life, as their circle of network has expanded. Don’t expect too much too soon from the man you are dating right now. This way, if the relationship ends, you won’t take it too hard on yourself.

Remember, just because someone is dating you now, does not mean that person want to have a long term commitment with you. Be wise about your own expectation and you’ll save yourself a lot of trouble.


Those were some realistic dating advice for young women we can give you. Remember ladies, when you are still young, you have a lot of options available for you, not to mention you still have so many chances and opportunities.

Be wise about your dating choices, don’t allow yourself to be taken advantage of and taken for granted. Don’t be naïve when setting your expectation and always take your brain with you.

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