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Productive Things You Can Do From Home

Are you working from home or have loads of time at home and feel really bored? The world has shifted and thanks to technology and automation, we have more free time in our hand than we ever did. Sometimes, it’s easy to get carried away binge watching Netflix all day. However, there are plenty of productive things you can do from home to both kill time and improve your life. Let’s check them out.

1. Create A Daily Schedule and Planning

Being at home is the perfect time to create your daily schedule and plan out your week. While it’s impossible to stick to every single thing in your schedule perfectly, it gives you a clear guideline on how your day or week would be. Yes, unexpected things could happen, but by setting up a schedule and plan, you are setting yourself up for success and are more likely to have an organized day.

2. Trying out New Recipe

Do you have that one dish you really want to try making but just never had the time? Well, being at home gives you the freedom and time to explore new recipes you always wanted to try making yourself. This is the perfect time to experiment with different flavors and textures. Who know, you might end up discovering new favorites along the way.

3. Cleaning and Organize your home

This is the perfect time to clean and organize your home. Maybe you have been holding off on mopping the floor or notice dust have gathered on certain corners of your home. Well, it’s time to pick up some cleaning tools and wipe everything clean. Also if you’ve been noticing some misplaced items or furniture around it’s also time to organize everything.

4. Home Declutter

Still in the realm of organizing, it is time to start decluttering your home. Over the years, surely you would notice yourself not using some of the items you own or even forget they existed in the first place! Also maybe there are some broken items you have yet to throw away for whatever reasons. If you haven’t used these items in a while, you probably won’t miss them as much. It’s time to part with them and give some chances to be at a better home.

5. Do Social Media Declutter

It’s not just your home that needs a good decluttering session, it applies to your computer and social media as well. Whether it’s some old files you no longer need, some blurry pictures you have not deleted or those frenemies and toxic people you no longer want to follow, it’s time to finally get rid of them once and for all.

6. Learn new skills or hobbies

Do you have anything you have always wanted to learn but never had the time? Well this is the perfect time to learn that new skill or pick up a new hobby. You can enroll in free or paid online courses and practice the lessons yourself.

7. Reconnect with friends

A great thing of living in the twenty first century is the ability to connect with others at the leisure of your own home. Give your friends a call, video call or send them some messages. Maybe watch a movie together online or make future plans together. Send each other random gifts or letters, etc.

8. Start an Online Blog

This one is probably one of our favorite. Not only is writing helps with navigating your thoughts and ideas, it could double as a side stream of income. Having an online blog is a fantastic way to express your passion while sharing your knowledge with others. If you work smart enough, you might even earn some extra income for yourself. It’s a win-win situation.

9. Learn a new language

Learning a new language might sound cliché but actually it’s a really great way to pass time and earn new knowledge. You never know if that language would be useful for you in the future. We have a list on the benefits of learning new languages which might give you the reasons why you should do it.

10. Workout

While staying at home, it is still important to stay active and fit. Working out gets you out of the lazy mood, boost your happy hormones and helps you sleep better at night while burning the calories at the same time. It’s definitely something you need to add into your routine. You don’t have to do cardio or weight lifting, you can work out by dancing, doing sports or just take a jog around the neighborhood.

11. Start a garden

This seems to be a favorite of many people these days. People are more interested in growing their own food and it’s for a good reason. There are plenty of reasons why you should start gardening. Gardening gives you a sense of peace and it also helps you reconnect with the earth. The plus side, you get to wake up to beautiful garden every day. If you live in an apartment or somewhere that has no yard, you can still keep plants in small pots.

12. Create A Journal

Journaling is more than a hobby, it can seriously change your life without you realizing it. It allows you to understand yourself better and figure out things you never knew about yourself before. It is also a good form of self therapy. You can write anything you want there.


These were some productive things you can do at home. Hopefully it inspires you and you can be more productive even if you’re just staying at home.

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