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Practical Ways to Boost Your Credibility

Are there genuine practical ways to boost your credibility? This question may pop in your head once in a while. Maybe you need it to network or you’re starting something new that require a high level of credibility to be successful.

As a part of society, we are dealing with others every single day and a factor that will determine our position in society is our credibility. Credibility is a quality to be trusted or believed in. In other words, your credibility is the level of trust you evoke in others. Most of the time, your credibility is related directly to your social image and value in society. You may think it has been decided since the beginning. However, there are some ways you could boost your credibility to increase your social image and open new opportunities. Here are some practical ways to boost your credibility

1. Be Really Great at Something or Be the Best in Your Field

Obviously no credible individuals could live without having some sort of skills which they have mastered. A lot of people make the mistake of learning a lot of things and only becoming average at them. in the end Truth is, you only need to have a handful of skills which you need to master.

You only have so much time and resources in your hand. It’s the reason why why you want to maximize these time and resources for skills which would help you in life. Pick four skills to master. One to make you money, one to keep you healthy, one to keep you creative and one to keep you happy. When you have decided, work hard on them and be the best person in the field. Also, your confidence matters. We recommend you to work on your confidence on top of sharpening your skills.

2. Make Sure EVERYONE Knows of Your Skills (Social Media Helps)

Now, when you have selected your skills of choice, you want to make sure other people know of the skills.

A smooth way of doing this is by publicizing your work or skills on social media or other social publication platforms. Because your skills would be useless if no one is acknowledging it.

People must know you are good so your skills could be put into a profitable work. Which is something you want to do. You must have heard of the phrase “If you are good at something, never do it for free”. They are right.

3. Be Active in A Credible Organization / Community

This is a side booster, but engaging yourself in a credible organization and community would give yourself a boost of self-image in public’s eye, especially if you hold quite a position.

We do not suggest you becoming one of the leader of these organizations or community unless you’re a natural leader. Why? Because you would waste so much time and energy on them without making much return. You don’t want that, you have better things to do. The golden position is to have a notable position, but don’t become the leader unless you’re sure you’re suited for the role.

4. Give People Free Sample of Your Skills

Everyone loves samples and free trials. When you are just starting out, give people a taste or “free content” of your skills. This way they would know that you are credible and would use your services or products in the future. It doesn’t even have to be about sales.

For example, you show people how good you are at public speaking or speech. They would trust the words you speak more than other people with no social credibility.

Free samples come in many forms, whichever form you choose, make sure it’s potent enough to persuade people into buying to your credibility.

5. Create A Website or Professional Linkedin Profile

This is a classic, you might have heard it everywhere, but it’s popular for a reason. Nowadays a basic and boring CV no longer works as efficiently as it used to.

Companies would want a website or a professional Linkedin profile so they could have a comprehensive look at your skills, and history. Besides, having a website or a professional Linkedin profile is much more professional looking and they work as great credibility booster.

6. Build Up Your Portfolio

Building up your Portfolio is probably one of the most conventional way to get your credibility out there. In this case, we are talking about two kinds of portofolio, the first one is life / skills portfolio which would be a compilation of all the skills, experience, and achievements you have had in life.

While the second one is financial Portfolio, which consist of your asset, income, net worth, etc. The process of building up your portfolio is also broken down to the experience and the physical assembly.

Which is why it’s important to gain as much experience as you can while you are still young. But if you’re already in your mid-twenties, it is still possibly to start gathering your portfolio. Build up an excellent portfolio and you’ll gain excellent credibility.

7. Have a Credible Set of Networks

We have previously mentioned why the quality of your network matters.

Having high quality and credible set of networks would allow your personal credibility to increase as well. Having a few famous or wealthy people in your set of circle would help your credibility especially if they frequent introduce you to others or if you are often seen together.

Hang out less with your mediocre friends and stick to the high quality networks if you truly want to step up your credibility.

8. Join Charity Cases or Give Back to Others

Joining charity cases and giving back to others is a great way to step up your credibility while actually helping others. No one would refuse a donation, especially if they need it. If you have the heart of a philanthropist or just want to have a quick method of boosting you image, do charity cases, give back to society and make sure people are aware of it.


Those were some ways to boost your credibility. One thing to remember is being credible may take some effort in the beginning, but you should also enjoy the process. The end result of being credible is so worth it.

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