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How to Deal with Negative People

Negative people are everywhere. We are sure you have dealt with them before, they could be anyone from those strangers on the internet, an acquaintance, your colleague at work, your friends and even your closest family member. Now, if you are reading this, maybe you’re curious on how to deal with negative people. Well, we have an answer for you.

The short answer is, You Don’t.

Okay, that was too short, but it’s true. Why would you want to waste your time dealing with negative people? Instead of encouraging you to deal with these kind of people, we would give you reasons on why you should not even bother with these people.

1. You Can Never Change Them

You may think you can change a negative person, truth is, you can’t. Those kinds of people will always remain negative no matter how much motivation you try to pour into their life. Here’s the harsh truth. People rarely change. Once someone’s negative trait is set, it will remain with them for the rest of their life.

2. You Don’t Want to Lower Your Own Energy

Negative energy is infectious. When you are hanging around a negative person, the chance of you picking up their negative energy is extremely high. As a vibrant and positive individual. You don’t want to lower your own energy by hanging around a negative person. Guard your own energy by staying far away from these people.

3. You Are Not Responsible for Their Lives

You may have good intention, but truth is you are not responsible for their lives. If they decide to do drugs, that’s their own issue. It’s not being apathetical, it’s called being rational, especially if they are adults who are SUPPOSED to have their life together. Some people never grow up, but it’s not your job to help them mature. Let them be and focus on your beloved ones instead.

4. You Have Better Things to Do

As a high value individual, you have better things to do than dealing with negative people, you have your whole life to live, while those people are destroying their lives with their negativity, you should focus on improving yourself and working on bettering yourself, that way you will be able to help other people who have better potentials than these negative individuals.

5. They Bring No Value to Your Life

Negative people bring zero value to your life. Their existence is meaningless to you, especially if all they do is hate and complain. You would not want to hang around with people who bring no value to your life, would you?

You are better off with other high value individuals who push you to become better. Remember, when you say yes to someone, you are saying no to other people. Be careful on which side you want to pick.

Now what?

Have we answered your question on how to deal with negative people? Hopefully so.

What do we suggest you to do then? Stay far away from these people. Simple, ignore them like a plague.

If unfortunately, those people happen to be your parents or family members, this rule still apply. Stay as far away possible from them. If you do have to attend family gatherings, keep the talks to the minimum.

These people are usually bitter and passive aggressive about you and your success so they will try to be rude just to bring you down. Just politely walk away from them and mind your own business.

If it’s a friend or stranger. Cut them off completely. It is not that difficult. There are far better people out there for you to hang around with, the world is a huge place. Stop worrying about trivial individuals who don’t deserve you and surround yourself with positive and inspiring people.

If you’re a woman, hang around with other high value feminine women who elevate you, not bring you down.

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