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Femininity Lessons From Asian Women

We’re bias because we’re Asian women who come from Asia. As a native, we can tell you that there are definitely a lot of femininity lessons from Asian women about love, life and elegance. Let’s find out what they are right now.

1. Smile More

One of the thing you will hear a lot from people who have traveled to Asia is how friendly the people are, especially the women. This is incredibly true in South East Asia.

The women are often seen with a smile on their face even toward a stranger. This makes them appear more charming and approachable. Perhaps it’s in the culture, yes, but it’s definitely a quality that attract people, men and women alike. Learn to smile more, it works.

2. Youthful Charm

Asian women tend to possess this youthful charm and quality to them. Of course, there are definitely some who are more mature and motherly. But even they have at least a little girlish charm. You will see this youthfulness even in adults or elders. They aren’t afraid to be silly at times and act like a young girl.

This child-like demeanor tend to evoke the protective nature in men and attract other female. It’s a feminine trait you can cultivate if you want to bring the masculine in a man and soothe your inner child.

3. Family First

You must have heard of this stereotype but it’s often true. Asian in general tend to be more family oriented. We put great care and attention in our family and it’s something important for us. Asian women in particular tend to think of the well-being of her family above things such as career.

This is a refreshing take considering how most Asian women are highly educated and thrive really well in her choice of career. Even if you, as a woman choose to have a career, you should still tend to your family especially your children’s well-being.

After all, work can be found and money can always be made, but your child won’t stop growing up and you want to be there for them. Your parents won’t stop getting old and your husband needs your love and attention. Have balance, have careers but don’t forget about family.

4. Hypergamous Mindset

Women are naturally hypergamous and Asian women are great at acknowledging and putting it to practice. Money and wealth is something that’s quite important for Asian women. You will often see Asian women choosing men with successful careers and make good amount of money.

Asian women don’t live by the 50/50 law. They aren’t afraid to set certain financial expectation from their partner and they allow their partner to provide for them and the children. It’s also part of the culture, but the man always takes care of the finances in the vast majority of Asian household.

5. Attentive to Appearance

Most women love to take care of their appearance but Asian women take it to the next level. This is especially true in big cities and upper class families. An Asian woman will have a collection of the best fashion items and beauty products. You must be familiar with the Korean skincare. Well, it’s applicable to nearly all Asian women. If they don’t wear makeup, they will be into skincare or fashion. Even the village sweethearts will always have at least their hair done and clothes neatly worn. Appearance is important and we are not ashamed of our feminine desire to take care of it. We embrace it.

6. Looks Last in A Man

A continuation from the previous point, an Asian woman doesn’t really care about a man’s appearance as long as he is tolerable. What’s most important is his wealth, intelligence, personality and values.

In various parts of Asia, you often see wealthy men wearing shorts and t-shirt or a simple polo shirt and jeans while their wife looks like she’s going for a fashion show.

As long as he possess qualities of a high quality man, the business is on, he’s smart and he takes good care of the family, his looks matter last.

7. Humble Intellect

The vast majority of Asian women are well-educated and intelligent. Academic and financial excellence is something we thrive for in life. However, it’s rare for you to see an Asian woman bragging about all of her achievement. She won’t push it in anyone’s face and it won’t be the first thing she tells you about herself.

When it comes to her achievements and intellect, an Asian woman keeps it low and humble. She would rather you to focus more on her feminine charm, personality and family oriented nature instead, at least in the beginning of the relationship.

Because you will eventually find out about her intellect when you stick long enough and by this time you are already captivated by her charm.

8. Maintaining Tradition

Even in this modern age, most Asian, especially Asian women still love to embrace their heritage and tradition. You will often see Asian women getting excited for celebrations and treasure the wisdom of their ancestors.

This is a quality which is often seen as exotic to many and it becomes an extra point in her femininity. You should learn to embrace your traditional culture and make it a unique point in your life.

9. Companion not Competition

Most Asian women, even the most competitive one, usually keep it toned down when it comes to the relationship.

Asian women, by default, understand that men and women plays different roles in a household and it’s rare for you to see an Asian woman trying to compete with her man when it comes to work and achievement.

She would much prefer to be a man’s companion, not competition. She doesn’t feel the need to prove her worth to him and it’s a feminine trait men find attractive as well.


Of course, women from all nationalities are beautiful, but there are some valuable femininity lessons from Asian women you can apply in your life.

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