Elegant Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle

Feminine Hygiene 101

Sometimes, the discussion of feminine hygiene gets overlooked thanks to different factors such as social stigma, taboos or just plain ignorance. In reality, it’s something that needs to be taken seriously with a lot of care.

As women we need to take care of our feminine part, because it would have a high influence over our confidence as females. Not taking proper care of your feminine part might cause vaginal issues and strong odor to develop down there.

As a result, it would cause both physical and social discomfort. We don’t want that for ourselves now, do we?

Today we would share with you a few simple tips you should do or avoid to ensure your femme remains healthy and clean.

1. Don’t Douche

Douching is a treatment some women do where they put douche solution that usually contains a lot of fragrance and other chemicals which are not meant to be put in your female part. Our femme is not meant to smell like flowers, and it doesn’t have to.

Which is why douching products are not only unnecessary, but also harmful because it messes with the natural pH and chemistry of our vagina. It would cause side effects such as burning and irritation. Most douching products contain ingredients such as baking soda or apple cider vinegar.

Ladies, put those things away from your private part and reserve them for other purposes.

2. Wash Your Femme with Warm Water

While we all can agree that we should wash our femme every day, similar to douching, a lot of women like to wash their private part with soaps. This is just unnecessary. Our vagina is naturally self-cleaning by releasing white discharge to get rid of dead cells and bacteria to prevent infection. No additional soap is necessary. You want to wash your vulva with warm water and that is everything for the washing.

3. Keep It Dry Outside The Bedroom

Yes, we know, when we get aroused, we get wet down there, but that’s not what we are talking about here. We know that our private part could gather a lot of moisture.

Sometimes it could be uncomfortable if left moist underneath the underwear. Which is why it is important to pat your private area dry with either toilet paper or a dry towel every time you go to the restroom to reduce the moist and keep things fresh down there.

4. Wear Cotton Underwear

Silk and Satin underwear may sound fancy but cotton is really all you need. Why? Because cotton underwear allows your skin to breath. Silk or satin material may not be as good at absorbing the moisture your femme produces. Reserve the silk and satin for your dresses and pillow cases and stick to cotton underwear.

Also, try to stay away from thongs. They are usually made from non-breathable materials and they have higher risks of causing infections when used on a regular basis.

This should be a no brainer but you would not believe how many people neglect this basic rule. Change your underwear at least twice a day.

5. Change Your Pads & Tampons Regularly. Or Just Use Menstrual Cup

Changing your pads & tampons during your period is not just important, it should be mandatory. By doing it we would prevent leakage and reduce bad odors.

However, not all pads and tampons are created equal, some pads and tampons contain harmful chemical for our private part. Examples are fragrances (again) and additives such as menthol to give that cooling dry sensation. You may want to opt for organic pads and tampons that do not contain any of these ingredients.

Still, some people are skeptical about whether or not conventional pads and tampons are harmful for your body, so to avoid the debate, just use menstrual cup.

It is made of medical grade silicone so it is reusable and safe to be used on your private part. Just make sure you clean it properly and follow the directions on how to insert it and you should have no problem.

Consult Your Gynecologist If You Feel Something’s Wrong

If you spot any sort of unusual discharges or feel any other symptoms related to your vagina and reproductive health, consult your gynecologist immediately to seek the best treatment for your circumstance. The earlier you take actions, the better it would be for you.

Our feminine part is a wonderful thing that allow us to do so many things as a woman, it is something we should take care of and nurture so it would always remain clean and healthy.

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