Elegant Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle

Classy First Date Advice for Women

For a lot of young women or just women in general, first date with someone new could be a heart throbbing experience, especially if the man is a successful or affluent man. First impression can go a long way.

The way your man perceives you as an individual during your relationship could really be determined on his first impression of you, which is why it is very important to create a great first impression.

There are a few things you should keep in mind whenever you are going on a first date with someone new, especially if that person is a successful or affluent man.


Okay, we will first start with the appearance part, because we know by now everyone will judge a book first by its cover. We want to make sure that your appearance matches the image you want him to perceive. As a classy lady, here are a few things you should pay attention on your appearance

1. Don’t Reveal Too Much Skin

This is something you especially want to pay attention to. Do not wear revealing clothes on your first date. You want your man to take you seriously, you want to give him an impression that you are a sophisticated and elegant woman. Wearing clothes that reveal too much skin might give him the wrong impression.

The key is to keep the outfit modest but elegant. We have so much tips on classy and elegant clothing on this blog which you can check out later. But you want the first date to be a time to get to know each other personally, so his focus should be on your face, not your boobs or legs.

2. Don’t Wear Heavy Makeup

Wearing heavy makeup on the first date is something we do not recommend doing because we want to show as much of our natural feature as possible. We would suggest sticking with a more natural looking makeup. Skip the smoky eyes and the red lips. Instead stick with the nude eyes and lips.

If you have some skin issues, you can wear a full coverage foundation, but don’t put on too much layers on your skin to avoid a heavy look. A lot of men actually do not like the look of heavy bold makeup, sticking with natural looking makeup is the key to a successful first impression.

3. Wear Comfortable Shoes

Wearing comfortable shoes (like a pair of comfy pumps, flats or wedges, but never sneakers) is important on the first date, some women force themselves to wear a pair of killer heels which they haven’t truly mastered yet and end up walking wobbly. Remember, posture is important.

You don’t want to embarrass yourself by walking in a pair of uncomfortable heels and end up wobbling or falling along the way. This will make your partner feel uncomfortable as well, and it’s just not elegant.

Stick to beautiful pair of shoes which you are comfortable walking in and you’ll save yourself a lot of trouble.

4. Wear Non Offensive Perfume

We would highly recommend you wearing perfume on every dates, even at home (since we love perfumes so much) but it’s essential on the first date to wear perfume that aren’t too obnoxious or offensive.

Stick to something bright or floral, vanilla or oriental could work depending on your style, but it should not overwhelm your date.

Our personal choice for first date is Mon Guerlain from Guerlain but you can just wear what you already have at home. We have also written an article on perfume etiquette which you should check out if you are curious to know more about this.

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5. Don’t Be Late

Being late is downright not classy and it can leave a bad first impression for your date. You want to come early or right on time, but we would suggest you coming early, this way you have time to check yourself first or maybe do a quick touchup, or just prepare yourself mentally.

Cause we remember when we went on our first date with an affluent man, we were pretty nervous, but coming early helps because you have the upper hand in the situation when you come early. Believe us, coming a few minutes earlier could give you an advantage for the rest of the day.

6. Don’t Reveal Too Much About Yourself

This should be common sense, but there is a reason why you don’t want to reveal too much of yourself on the first date. First of all you don’t know the man that well yet, you don’t know what his intentions are, even if he seems like a gentleman, you still don’t know him.

Revealing too much about yourself, especially about the more touchy subjects like you family issues, your personal political and social beliefs, etc, could be problematic if he does not have good intention to begin with.

Which is why we would suggest you to keep the conversation light and bright on the first date.

Of course you can talk about your interests or your hobbies, but avoid revealing any deep and dark details about yourself. You may save yourself from trouble just by doing this.

7. Listen and Ask Questions

This one should be applied on every dates even after you’re in an official relationship, however, it is easier said than done, because sometimes we have the urge to just keep on talking and talking and not allowing our date to speak. This can be off putting for most men.

We believe balance is key, you want to listen to him when he is telling you something, and then you also want to ask him some questions about himself, but at the same time, you also need to talk about yourself, so you’re not just listening or asking all the time.

This way you could actually get to know each other well and gain his favor at the same time.

8. Don’t Ask for Too Much

Okay, some women could be an opportunist, especially in the presence of an affluent man. However, you don’t want to ask for too much on the first date.

Saying I love you and asking someone to marry you five minutes upon meeting them is not the wisest idea (surprisingly, one of the affluent men we’ve spoken to have told us this had happened to him before).

Also when he’s taking you out for dinner at somewhere nice, you don’t want to order everything from the menu just because he’s going to pay for it. Also don’t ask him for luxury items or anything like that right off the bat. This is just tasteless.

You are an elegant lady, not a sugar baby. You want to play the long term game. Not asking for too much could actually help you gain his respect and favor, which would help you throughout the relationship.

9. Eat Like a Lady

Okay, this one is still related to the previous point, but it’s about your dining manner. If you go on a fine dining restaurant for your first date or somewhere more high end, you want to watch your dining manner.

If you are planning to date affluent man, dining etiquette is something you should be learning. No man would want his woman to eat like a starving bear. Remember, these small details, done correctly, would bring you far in life.

10. Don’t Kiss on The First Date

No kissing on the first date. You may have heard this one before, but it’s popular for a reason. We have seen some women allowing her man to kiss her on the first date, but we believe it is way too soon for that. Never allow the man which you just know to have any physical intimacy with you.

Of course, some physical contact like holding hands or hugging is allowed, but kissing, making out, and sex, should never be done on the first date. You want them to chase you, if you just give yourself away on the first date, you are lowering your self-image and worth in his eyes.

Kissing should only be allowed at least on the second date, even then it should only be a light kiss, not a deep and intimate one. And absolutely no sex until at least the fifth date, but the longer you go with the no sex, the better.

It shows that he’s serious about you if he’s still with you after five dates with no sex. Even then you want to make sure you’re giving yourself to a gentleman and not just someone who will dump you after receiving sex.

Safety First

Before we end this we have to remind you that your safety comes first.

Always meet in public places. Let your friends or family member know where you’ll be going and always carry some sort of defense items in your purse for unexpected situations. Never allow him to pick you up on the first date and never reveal your address or any important information to him until a mutual trust is built.


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