Elegant Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle

Asian Beauty Secrets You Should Know About

Have you ever wondered why Asian women tend to have that youthful glowing complexion and a leaner body? Well, today we will spill the secrets and tell you some Asian beauty secrets that may help you to achieve that radiant complexion and lean appearance. These secrets are mostly derived from East and South East Asia. It may differ in other parts of Asia but you can definitely learn something from this. Let’s find out what are some Asian beauty secrets you should know about.

1. The Diet Rules

You may wonder why Asian tend to be more on the leaner side and that’s because Asian women pay close attention to their diet. The common beauty standard in Asia is a slim figure. Here are a few common rules that Asian women subconsciously follow to maintain that appearance.

  • Smaller Portion

The first thing you will notice is Asian women don’t eat an enormous portion of food compared to in the west. Instead, we add more varieties in small quantities. We love to use a smaller plates and bowl when eating so we don’t end up overeating and adding unnecessary calories into our diet.

  • Chopstick

Chopstick is a common utensil that’s used in Asia. According to Kimiko Barber, the author of The Chopstick Diet, eating with chopstick can help you reduce weight as it makes you eat slower, hence helping you to get full early, more mindful of your meal and avoid overeating.

  • Lots of Fruits and Vegetables

Asian diets tend to consist higher amount of fruits and vegetables compared to the standard western diet. We love our fiber! Perhaps one contributing factor to this is the climate in Asia which allows a variety of fruits and vegetables to grow in abundance. Asians also prefer to boil or saute their meal which is definitely a healthier option compared to fried foods. In Asia, fruits and vegetables are turned into a variety of delicious side dishes with lots of spices which gives it more flavor, making it easier to incorporate them into our diet.

  • Lack of Sugary Food

A lot of Asians actually prefer to avoid food that contains high amount of sugar. Things like candies, ice cream and cake isn’t a huge part of our life. While some Asians may have higher sweet tooth than others. Generally, sweets is something we only consume once in a while.

2. Green Tea

As Asians, we love our tea! Green tea especially has a soft spot in our heart. Green tea contains anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties alongside vitamin B2 and Vitamin E which are wonderful for the skin as it protects and moisturizes the skin, keeping it youthful and firm. Consuming green tea daily also helps with weight loss as it speeds up your metabolism.

3. Avoding The Sun and SPF

While a lot of western women love to jump in the sun to get a nice tan, Asian women do the opposite. One of the common beauty standard in Asia is having paler skin. Naturally, a lot of Asian women avoid the sun as it tans the skin. Asian women will use umbrella, gloves, long sleeves or stay in the shade just to avoid direct sunlight. SPF is also a must on the face and body. This indirectly helps to protect the skin from sun damage keeping the skin looking more youthful and flawless.

4. Rice Water

This is an ancient beauty secret a lot of Asians still use. Rice water is often used in Asia as toner as it brightens the skin, reduce oiliness and boost your skin barrier, creating a glowing, healthy appearance.

Some Asian even use rice water as a hair rinse as it believed to promote hair growth and creating a smooth, shiny hair.

5. Jade Roller and Gua Sha

Before it was popular all over the world, Asians have long incorporated Jade roller and Gua Sha as a way to slim down the face and get rid of puffiness. We love to put in the fridge for a few minutes before using it alongside other skincare products and give our face a nice massage daily.

6. Red Dates and Goji Berries

One of the less known beauty secrets but is commonly used in Asia is eating red dates and goji berries. Both are high in anti-oxidant and has been known to have anti-aging properties which keep your skin looking youthful.

7. Tapping Instead of Rubbing

You already know that Asian love skincare. We are almost obsessed with them. While products varies for different people, there are some techniques we use to maximize our skincare routine.

Asian women prefer to rub skincare products instead of rubbing them. This allows for better absorption by warming it up in your fingertips and gently tap in. It also allows you to make the most out of your skincare products as it makes sure everything gets distributed evenly.

8. Embracing Youthfulness

Last but not least, Asian women genuinely embrace youthfulness and femininity. It is part of the beauty look and has even become a trend for women to appear younger than their biological age. You will see a lot of more mature and elderly Asian women embracing lighter colors to make themselves appear younger as well as putting on a more dewy, youthful makeup look.

In the west, there is a stereotype that women have to act grown and more mature. If you’re over 25 and still dress like a young girl, you may be seen as cringe or weird. However, in Asia, women are allowed to remain youthful and girly even until adulthood by society. It definitely plays a part in why we tend to look younger than other women.


Those were some Asian beauty secrets we use to look more youthful and radiant. Hopefully they are useful to you and you can start implementing some of them into your skincare and beauty routine as well.




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