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7 Healthy Habits to Develop Today

Habits can be extremely powerful, the right set of habits can transform your life. Every small changes you make would eventually transform your life. The key is consistency, habit is developed after twenty one days. So, if you could start doing these healthy habits and maintain it for twenty one days. Continue doing it for at least sixty six days, you are all set. Not all habits are created equal. Some habits could destroy your life little by little. On the other side, the right, healthy habits could help you developing as a better individual. Here are some healthy habits you can start developing today

1. Sleep Early & Wake Up Early.

We know this sounds incredibly cliché, you probably have heard it so many times. However, there’s a reason why having a good sleep is highly suggested. Our body needs to rest in order to function properly, now each person might have different sleep pattern depending on their age, gender, and occupation.

We would not put a number to how many hours you need every day because some people only need five to six hours of sleep daily to function while others need eight hours a day to function properly.

However it is best if you create a pattern for yourself, which allow your body to develop its own biological alarm. Still, sleeping early and waking up early is beneficial not just for our health, but also for our productivity. It may not be applicable for everyone, but if you can, definitely develop the “early” sleeping schedule.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Our body is made up mostly of water, so drinking a lot of water and keep ourselves hydrated is crucial to maintain a healthy body and mental clarity. An easy way to ensure you are always drinking enough water is by keeping a water bottle close to you whether you are at home or at work. This way you can re-hydrate whenever you want.

3. Cook More, or at Least Eat Healthy

Cooking at home would allow you to measure exactly what and how much you are putting in your meal, not only would it be much healthier, it could save you a lot of money on dining and take outs.

However, if you do not have the time to cook, try to eat as healthy as possible, an easy way to do this would be to have a few restaurants which you know serve healthy food and then interchange them every week or every month.

You can also use meal subscription, but it can be quite costly in the long term. Cooking at home is still the best option, and a way you can save time on cooking is by meal prepping. Try it out, and see how it may change you.

4. Create a “Fit” Routine

This is basically taking time out of your daily routine to do something active, and it does not have to be a proper form of exercise. It may be something you already do if you are a dancer or into martial art.

For everyone else, it could be as simple as walking your dog at the park in the evening or taking a stroll in nature.

You can if you want to do a proper exercise routine, that’s even better, but there are other options out there that still allow you to remain fit without the gym.

5. Reduce Screen Time

The modern day screen time is no longer limited to the television or movie theatre. Nowadays screen time range anywhere from social media usage to watching your favorite show on Netflix.

The problem is, in most cases, you gain absolutely no benefits from spending your time in social media or watching a movie.

Yes, you may be entertained for a while, but then what? Some people are making profits from social media and they have the justification to do it, but most of us only use it to keep ourselves “busy”.

Reducing your screen time can do wonder not only to your productivity, but to your mental clarity as well. Try it, you won’t regret it.

6. Read More

There has never been a better time in our life to gain new information, thanks to the internet we can access so many new information we could not get so easily before, but even now, reading from a book both manually or digitally is still highly beneficial.

You can only get some exclusive information either by reading a book or paying for a course, both manual and online. Between the two, book is still the more affordable option.

Not only does it sharpen your thinking skill, it also reduces stress and improve your long term brain capacity. Therefore, besides being smarter, you’ll become mentally healthier. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?

7. Create a Journal

Journal can come in so many forms. For some it can be writing down lists and things on a piece of paper or a book. For others it come in excel. Therefore, you can find a journal form that suits your lifestyle the best. You should write everything from your plans, daily schedule, to do list to your short and long term goals.

Think of it as a mini life navigator. With journaling, you’ll know exactly what you want and where you are heading. You could also use it to reflect on your life and write things you would like to achieve in the future.

Journaling is fun and incredibly relaxing, you should give it a try today and see where it leads you.


Those were some healthy habits you could start doing today. The key is to be consistent. After you’ve done them long enough, these habits will help you thrive in life.


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