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50-50 Relationships Doesn’t Work, Here’s Why

Yes, we said it. 50-50 relationship doesn’t work, here’s why

The topic of whether or not a woman should pay half of the bill in the relationships has been an ongoing debate among people in the recent years. With the whole modern feminism ideology both men and women adopt in the modern western society, a lot of couples are practicing the 50/50 rules.

It’s a system where the woman is paying 50% of the bills on a date as well as paying for half of the house bills if they do live together. These are usually done in the name of equality. The truth is, equality does not always mean the same when applied in real life. Because men and women are already different from biological, psychological and social standards. This is a fact, not an opinion.

The problem with this system is rooted in the fact that this system works as a disadvantage to women. In a short, we will explain why.

The Current “Modern” Standard

In the modern western society, women are somehow expected to behave more masculine. While men on the other hand are encouraged to behave more femininely.

This is extremely problematic, because both psychologically and biologically, men and women are different. Despite the whole “strong independent woman” belief feminists have tried to project unto women, it does not change the fact that a man and a woman are programmed differently.

By the 50/50 standard in a relationship, a woman is expected to take care of her appearance, work on her career, provide the man with the emotional care and physical support he needs.

If the couple decides to have children, she will have to carry the baby for nine months, give birth, and then pay attention to the children. On top of that, she’s expected do half or all of the house chores and she is still expected to pay half of the bills while the man practically provides her with nothing?

Who is at a disadvantage here? If she could do everything by herself then what is a man for even in her life?

High Quality Man Will Provide For You

A high quality man should be the protector and the provider in the family, since a woman is already going through so much things both for herself and for him, providing for her and his family is the LEAST he can do.

A high quality masculine man should feel offended if the woman pays for half of everything. Simply because it shows that she does not appreciate his masculinity and his role.

The only men who enjoys this sort of treatment are feminists and feminine men. Generally speaking, they are not desirable by high quality feminine women, who tend to adopt a more conservative view.

Even if you identify yourself as a feminist, then you should agree that a man should pay in a relationship after the reasons we have mentioned. A 50/50 relationship only exploits women and benefit men.

Women who are willingly involving themselves in this sort of relationship should re-evaluate their decisions. A true gentleman would never let his lady pay for dates or household bills.

We are not even talking about affluent men here. We are also talking about everyday gentleman who genuinely cares for his woman and want to provide her with the resources he has. Just like how she has provided him with emotional and physical care.

What to Do?

As high value women, we need to set their standard higher. If a woman acknowledges her own value as a high quality woman, she should allow a man to be a man and provides for her.

It does not mean she should let go of her career and become a housewife. As you know by now, we believe in achieving higher goals in life, and sometimes excelling in a career is one of those goals.

It simply means to let him pay for things he can afford such as dates and bills. If he could not afford them, then he needs to step up his game or go for women in his own level.

When it comes down to a healthy balanced relationship between two high value individuals, boundaries need to be set. For the vast majority of the time, men should always pay for his woman and a woman should allow her man to pay for her.


Now, there could be exceptions to this. There is nothing wrong with buying your man a gift or two on his birthday or Christmas, but for the rest, men should do the gift and financial giving in the relationship. Only then will the relationship be truly balanced.

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